Transcription Service

Worldwide high-quality research transcription services. In addition to other nations, we also provide our transcription services to the US, UK, Canada, UAE, and Australia.

We transcribes your interview with utmost Care & Diligence

We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality.

300+ native English speakers from the US, Australia, and the UK make up the majority of the STC team. The team is qualified in specific subject matter expertise ranging from business, law, and the sciences. They have received thorough training to understand various cultural nuances, dialects, and slangs. We provide video captioning services in addition to transcribing interviews, focus groups, inventories, podcasts, books, academic lectures, seminars, and medical dictation. 

Our Statistical Services

We offer end-to-end Research planning services

Translation Services

Video Transcription

Research Transcription

Captioning Services

General Transcription Services

Medical & Healthcare Transcription